Sunday, November 06, 2005

CBGB's Flyers

These are the only ones I can find right now!
They are flyers from CBGB's

Don't really know the dates of these shows.

There were a lot of Real Good Posters and Flyers that went with each show.

The band had great Promo Materials for the Time. There are still Tee- shirts from the Reunion show hanging around my house.

A lot of it has been lost thru the years. We gave the last drummer Robbie, all the Video tapes, for safe keeping. He now says he has no memory of where they are.

I do have the CDs. I will try to Audio Stream them. They are really polished for this band. The real sound was raw and gritty, yet Pop.

So anyone with any of this clasic material in there attic. Please let us know. We just need a copy of it.


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