Sunday, November 06, 2005

the Original Lyrics to Christopher Street

Back in a time when many gays still hid from the limelight, it was okay to be out on Christopher Street, and Christopher Street was a place over the rainbow to those closeted men in areas other than New York. Christopher Street represented freedom and acceptance even though that actual freedom and acceptance really needed to come from within. With this in mind, the perception of gays was begining a rapid change. The limp wristed, lisping faggot down the street was now starting to become the gym bunny of the 90's, chiseled and cut. Ripped and coiffed, they are now the metrosexuals on steroids of todays society.


There's such a shortage of real men in jeans.
Big gorgeous baskets turn out to be queens.
With their cock sucker puckers
and dick licker snickers,
They don't want to sleep with women no more.

When did all the hero's die? Who deflowered virgins when they did lie
in the back seats of cars,
after they met in bars
And sprayed thier loads over the upholstry.

What happened to hot jocks
with big stiff fat cocks
and sports most important of all?
What happened to men
tall lean and thin
They sure don't smell like they did back then.

Where is the man
to open his arms
and touch my tonsils with his tongue?
And rock me safe and secure?
They've all turned into queens.
They've all moved away to Christopher Street.

When Debbie Geary sang this song, it was with lament in her voice that she couldn't find a 'regular joe' anymore, a 'real man'. And I guess it all comes down to perspective doesn't it?


Blogger psyvhicjack said...

oh yes...The Lyrics....
Thank you so much!

10:11 PM  
Blogger psyvhicjack said...

That song was Witten by
J. Mitchell and B. Anderson

10:12 PM  

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